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Player-base driven Story line
Every action you take influences the main story line, whether it’s supporting the Free People in getting the planet back (or perhaps the Torkites in occupying another planet?), or claiming a plot of land to build your house, it has consequences for everyone.
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Hybrid Crafting system
Whether you’re a fan of crafting or not, you’ll find Never Ending Realms has a system as it has never been seen before. Each item you make will be a new challenge, no matter if you make ten coats or five pair of boots, each one will be different.
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Master – Apprentice system
Each apprentice needs a mentor. In Never Ending Realms you can have a Mentor for your crafting skills. A mentor can help you to get that one recipe that will help you progress your crafting skill further, help you to form the best strategy of earning enough money to free yourself, or simply to help you get started. In Never Ending Realms it’s all possible!